Tuesday, June 2, 2009

D.I.Y Wedding Projects! Friend or Foe?

In today's economy more bride's are challenging themselves by taking on D.I.Y wedding projects to help cut some of the costs of their big day. I myslef love D.I.Y projects and I know the ups and downs of them and if you are not 'crafty' some of them can be overwhelming. This week I will introduce some D.I.Y wedding projects that I've found online and take the challenge of making them myself and share the ups and downs with you! In addition to some of the projects, I will also find 'inspiration' photos and try to make them D.I.Y projects!

The first project that I would like to share with you was found on "Do It Yourself Weddings". This project was submitted by Brandi, a "Do It Yourself Weddings" readers.

"Cheap Glamorous Centerpiece"

1) Spray paint the bottom of a clay pot black, or whatever color you choose. Once dry paint the top rim a difference color.

2) Collect branches to put in your pots. I just cut branches from a tree in our yard and used one large branch per pot.

3) Fill the pot with rocks to help secure the tree branch.

4) Create the toilet paper ornaments by cutting a swatch that will cover the toilet paper roll. Don't worry about getting all the way to the top and bottom because your accessories will cover it up. Once you have glued the fabric to the roll, punch two small holes in the top of the roll, one of each side and then thread wire or string through the holes as a way to hang it. Finally, glue beads to the bottom and add a small boa to the top - or whatever trimming accessories you choose. (fringe, ribbon, etc)
5) Collect gems with holes in the top to hang from the branches. You can find gems at Michaels and other craft or bead stores. Then thread with clear string or wire and hang from the branches.

6) Glue orchids randomly on the branches and finally, cover the top of the pot with flowers or moss to cover the rocks.

Ok! Now off to work I go! Check back with us for Celebrations by Design's version of this D.I.Y project!

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